Akam Ata Anzali Free Zone Co.
Akam Ata meaning in English is high lands of father which is a name of company in Iran. Akam Ata Anzali Free Zone Co. is the name of an international marketing and trade, export and import, management consulting service provider based in Iran. it consists of 6 words.
- Akam means high lands in English language
- Ata means father or grandfather of forefather in English language
Akam Ata (akamata) means high lands of father in English language which is the company is famous for.
Akam Ata meaning in English language is High Lands of Father
Anzali Free Zone
Anzali Free Zone is one of the free trade-industrial zones based in Iran. It is the only free zone on the Caspian sea. The companies which are registered in Anzali Free Zone area should have this title “Anzali Free Zone” at the end of their names.
Co. means Company (an abbreviation)

Akam Ata Anzali Free Zone Company Logo
Akam Ata is a Private Joint Stock Company in the north of Iran but the company has it’s experts in Tehran as well. The Tehran branch will be officially opened soon. If you require any services such as a business interpreter, business and marketing consultants in Tehran, Iran you can contact the company experts and they will try their best to assist you. You may also review Akam Ata company profile.